More tips for parent muse web

1. Advertisements. This may or may not increase the people in website (NOTE: this has a huge risk because people may just ignore the ads) starting can be a photo ad. and then can increase into a video ad. If the creators can’t create a video ad. You can hire a animator from fiverr or something else.

2. Adding a points leaderboard (as now there is some people only. It will be better to add a  top ten most point scores worldwide. As more people join. The leaderboard system can change into region wise and also the worldwide board eg: most point leaderboard of India

3. Adding a rank system. As more points u receive your rank increase. Like your first rank in 100 points. Next one in 500 after that in 1000. The rank can be mentioned in the leaderboard And also near the name when the person posts or when a person check profile

4. Notifications. Notifications will be nice. It can be pushed if a friend in your friends list posts, add a reaction to your post, reply to your post(Recommending to do it  if the web turns into an app)

Like i said in my last tips post. I’m not forcing the creator. It’s their choice. I’m just giving my personal opinion so yeah. Hope yall liked it! :D

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