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The relationships and friendships that make a wall of trust and sense of security between you and your siblings is very important in terms of maintaining a healthy bond with your sister or brother. Although this relationship is always a friendly one during adulthood, however, the adolescent relationship is usually hostile. The birth order of siblings mainly causes rivalry between them. For example, your brother is the youngest child and you are the older one, younger siblings usually will create and initiate jealousy for the older sibling. Or maybe the older sister will become distrustful and disloyal towards the younger sibling because the parent will more likely pay attention to the younger one of the two. Insensitivity is the trigger that tries to separate siblings from one another. 

Parents need to teach their children to love their siblings and create friendliness and a protective environment for them. 

Why siblings are the best!

To be honest, whenever some child at school would try to bully me, my sister/brother would be behind them holding a raging smile. She/he would then threaten them out of the way and would pull me away. So here are some of the reasons that why siblings are important and why they are not less than our superheroes!

  • They ALWAYS have YOUR back; Even though you would wrestle till midnight and say mean things to each other, it is all in good fun. However, if someone else ever picks on you, then your sibling proves that, ‘they just messed with the wrong family’.
  • Siblings always listen; In all the situations, they know how to keep a secret.
  • Siblings love your craziness; there is only one person who does not look at you weirdly when you try to do a handstand against the mirror, which is your sibling.

Siblings are yet one of the best blessings one can have. They teach you how to be confident and develop a sense of security within yourself.

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