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There are a lot of things that can trouble your child at school such as bullying, school environment, and emotional abuse, etc. A regular child-parent talk is important to understand your child’s concerns and issues. We teach our children about all the possible ways to keep themselves safe but sometimes we fail to understand what they are actually going through. To fully understand the factors that might be disturbing your child is to talk and discuss. You cannot expect the children to open up in the first go, as parents you would have to develop a bond that is more friendship oriented in order to discuss your child’s concerns and troubles. 

1. Sexual Abuse 

One of the most disturbing things that children face is sexual abuse. Most of the times it is either from seniors or from some school employee. Children experiencing such sexual abuse feel insecure and scared. If you feel that your child is becoming quiet or losing appetite or make excuses for not going to school, then it’s time to take this matter seriously. Talk to your children and try to figure out what’s troubling them. Don’t let them suffer, try to gain their confidence and assure them that no one can hurt them further if they speak out their fears. 

2. Bullying 

Bullying is yet another major concern which can become a troubling issue for most children. Seniors make fun of newcomers as part of their fun activity, even classmates bully fellow students and make them feel low and annoy children. Having a safe school environment is crucially important for child’s peace of mind along with emotional and personal growth. 

3. Trouble in doing Homework

Homework is and will always be that one concern for children and for parents as well after bullying. It is literally like a tug of war for children – teachers – parents and one needs to do it right. Students may feel clueless while doing homework and may not reach out to parents. It is the duty of all parents to ensure that their children are doing well in studies and nothing is troubling them. For your child’s sanity, it is significant for parents to help their children in doing homework.

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