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Easy peasy Chocolate Mug Cake

In under 5 minutes, you can have the Best-Ever Chocolate Mug Cake recipe imaginable! Using only a small amount of ingredients you're likely to have on-hand, just mix in a mug and bake in the microwave!


Dry ingredients: 3tbs of flour/maida, 2tbs of cocoa powder, 2tbs of sugar, 1/4 Tsp of baking powder, a pinch of salt

Wet ingredients: 3tbs of milk and 2tbs of oil (any oil which doesn't have any odour)

Microwaveable mug 

*Tbs : tablespoon

*Tsp : teaspoon


-Mix all the dry ingredients into the mug

-then add oil and milk to the dry ingredients and mix gently till everything is even and without lump...it should be a smooth mix. To make it chocolava just insert in a small piece of chocolate in the mix. 

-place the mug in a microwave ..timer set to 2mins

-tats it ...yummy treat is ready to be enjoyed. It's easy and kids also can make without any hassles. 

Do give it a try...it's definitely yum!

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